Donating blood
In our society, people think that donating blood is a simple task. In reality, the process of giving blood can be overwhelming for some individuals. There are many steps to go through before you can give your donation, and it requires time and patience from both donors and nurses alike. One of essential points in this process is ensuring that all necessary health information has been submitted beforehand. Hence, they have a better idea about your type of donor. This way, they know if your donation will help save someone’s life or not.
Typed of blood:1) Type O
– can be given to anyone
– helps keep the blood system running smoothly because it is a universal donor.
Note: You should always choose Type O for any donation, even if you type A or B, since your body might turn into Type O once inside of another person’s bloodstream. If this happens, then you will have helped save a life.2) Type A
– can be given to Type A and AB recipients
– found in about 45 percent of the population
Note: Type A blood is often called the “universal donor” because it is usually compatible with most blood types.

3) Type B
– can be given to Type B and AB recipients
– found in about ten percent of the population.
Note: Blood type B is less common than other types, so blood donors with this type must make themselves available for others who may need their help.

4) Type AB
– can be given to Type AB recipients only
– found in about five percent of the population.
Note: This blood type is the rarest, so donors with this type must make themselves available for others who may need their help.

5) O-negative
– can be given to anyone, regardless of blood type
– found in about seven percent of the population.
Note: O-negative is the “universal donor” because it is compatible with any other blood type.

6) A-negative
– can be given to Type A and AB recipients only
– found in about 38 percent of the population.
Note: This blood type is the second most common, so blood donors with this type must make themselves available for others who may need their help.

Blood cleanup services