C. diff Cleanup and Disposal

C. diff and how Dangerous it can be to Clean up Clostridioides difficile is a bacterium that causes Clostridium difficile colitis in the colon. The illness often occurs after a patient uses antibiotic medications. After entering the individual’s body through their...

What does a dead body smell like?

Does a dead body stink? YES! Human decomposition has to be the worst smell ever. Have you ever had rotten meat in your fridge and it turned your stomach? Human decomposition is about the same. I love it when people say that an animal smells worse than a human being....

What do you do when you find a dead body?

First, you call the police or 911 The #1 rule is if you find a dead body is that you absolutely do not touch or go near it. CALL THE LOCAL POLICE RIGHT AWAY! Sometimes, an unconscious person may look dead, when in fact they need medical attention ASAP. If this is the...

Wheeling Crime Scene Cleanup | Crime Scene Clean

Wheeling Crime Scene Cleanup: Skilled, Specialized Cleaning Services Today, crime rates in West Virginia sometimes vary widely from one location to another. Wheeling Crime Scene Cleanup serves residents in every part of this state. We help people return their realty...