Trauma Scenes and what to expect

Trauma Scenes and what to expect! Trauma scenes, crime scenes, and other situations involving fatalities can be extremely difficult to handle for those involved. Professional crime scene cleaners are available to help remove the physical evidence left behind from such...

Hoarding and mental illness

Hoarding and mental illness Hoarding is a mental disorder that affects a person’s ability to properly organize and store their possessions. People with hoarding tendencies may find it difficult to discard items that have no apparent useful value, leading to the...

Hoarding Organizing – Hoarder cleaning services

Hoarding Organizing (866) 232-4197 Hoarding is a serious issue that many people face, and hoarding organizing services are one of the ways to help those affected by hoarding. Hoarding organizing services provide assistance in sorting through hoarded items and helping...

Is cleaning up someone’s blood dangerous?

Is blood dangerous to clean up? Yes, it is dangerous to clean up someone else’s blood without proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Blood can contain harmful pathogens that can lead to infection. PPE such as gloves, goggles and a face mask should be worn...